Gift ideas for this Christmas season

Have you done your Christmas shopping? I want to give you some ideas of simple and useful things you can do yourself with your own personal touch. Isn’t it amazing to get a gift from a person you love that she made herself? I love when people take the time to think about you and […]

by Lula Schiller / December 07, 2017 / Recipies Read More >

This is me after 6 weeks…

6 weeks ago, I decided to change! I started a 6-week challenge with a group of wonderful people… a challenge to change eating habits and to be more consistent when it comes to exercising on a routine basis. I want to tell you how I am doing up to today and which has been my […]

by Lula Schiller / November 22, 2017 / Fitness Read More >

One sniff and he was hooked

When the “apathetic” person in the room changes his postures and leaves as a complete different person I know I have done something right. This has happened to me more than one time and it is a wonderful feeling to be a witness. If you wonder what I am talking about, well, one of my […]

by Lula Schiller / November 14, 2017 / Uncategorized Read More >