What did you dream about when you were a little girl? Maybe you dreamed to be a doctor, architect, teacher … I dreamed of having 8 children …. 4 girls and 4 boys. I even had names for each of them! But life spins!

If you know who I am you know more about me … if you do not know me let me tell you that I married at 36, I met my husband online, YES, I am part of the statistic! I have a son and God also lends me a little life in my womb, but she returned to Him and she is my angel in heaven; I got a bachelor degree and two masters, I worked for many years, traveled and enjoyed life until I made the decision to have a family. Everything in its time, without hurry.

I was not a “normal” woman.

I think, for my generation, I was born in 1972. As a child society in a certain way dictates that as women we should get married, be moms and maybe work. And many dream about that life, the prince, the children and a family. Ah, of course … and if you do not get married at a certain age, the train is gone!

Life, your life, is yours and it is you who decide how to live it. Dream, be happy, be happy in the situation where you are and be conscious that since we were born we are on the train of life and there are no requirements, labels or expectations.

Did I dream of being an entrepreneur? Not really.

I preferred the conventional, what most do! But I am convinced that God also does his part to guide us. He put Young Living on my path and unintentionally became part of me, it changed my life and my family’s. I found my passion for health and wellness and it became essential to share what I was learning and living by using these drops of gold that we find in each bottle of essential oil.

My passion has become my way of life.

My “job” is fun and has allowed me to meet and help wonderful people who are now part of my family. My mission is to help more people experience what I have experienced.

I have many more dreams and I get up every day with a clear purpose that I can make a difference and leave a legacy for my family, for my community, for my country, for the world.

I’m Mexican, I’m a wife, I’m a mom, I’m an entrepreneur.

I love life, my family, my country, my friends, a good party, music, the beach and the sound of the waves!


6 Ways to bring Health and Wellness into your Life. [FREE GUIDE]

From my journey to the United States to exploring essential oils, supplements and health & wellness, this ebook goes through my lifestyle and wellness routine!